Kindness Boomerang


If there's anything that uplifts my mood quite instantaneously, it is when I receive an act of kindness or when I read/hear about it.


A youtube video entitled Kindness Boonerang has made its round and it fills my heart with warmth each time I watch it. It inspires hope and encourages me to do the same.


Some weeks back, my husband and I received acts of kindness from a stranger we met.


Firstly, he offered to take a picture of us when he noticed that we were taking pictures of the surrounding and each other. During our brief chat, he shared about a popular bakery in the neighbourhood. We decided to tag along to have a look-see out of curiosity.


When we got to the bakery, the queue was very long and Mr. Kindness offered to help us buy some baked goods since his wife was already in the line. His kindness was such a delightful surprise. It totally made our day and prompted us to make a promise that we will do the same when the opportunity presents inself.


Truly, it doesn't take much to practice kindness. And when you do, the effects multiply and positivity increases in your life.


It has also been shown that being altruistic doesn't only benefits the person being helped but the giver as well. Indeed, depressed clients who follow the advice to give of themselves to others often find their own moods being uplifted.


Pay-it-forward is a meaningful and great idea. The world will certainly be a better place if each of us takes the time to do our small part.  Surely, we can all do our part and most of the time, it takes little for us to show kindness and care.


"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." ~ Aesop


Reading the wonderful stories of kindness definitely brightens up my day. It encourages me to strive to be the one who extends kindness and generosity and be the story that others tell.


What about you? Will you grab the chance to be kind today?


A suggestion: Share this with your friends to pass on the message. It takes less than a minute. Thank you!