One of my favourite cities to visit in America is New York City. After my first trip in April of 2010, I left my heart there. The city that never sleeps offers much in terms of attractions, stimulations and new experiences. Every single trip has been memorable and fabulous, including our most recent one.
We were in NYC last week and came back to the Bay Area on Saturday evening, just a day before Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. While we feel extremely blessed and grateful to have escaped the horrific storm, our hearts ache for the massive devastation that befell not only NYC but also many neighbouring cities.
Watching the special edition of ABC's 20/20 entitled "The Perfect Storm" yesterday was both surreal and painful. It is just crazy to see the flood inside the subway tunnels when just days ago the subway brought us everywhere.
It certainly hits home to never take anything for granted and to cherish all that we have before it is taken away.
The impact of this calamity is beyond words and it's gonna take a while for the city to rebuild. And rebuild herself she will, I am sure. The city has been through worse and is definitely resilient.
Moreover, it is very heartwarming and inspiring to see the humanity and kindness of people in the wake of such tragedy. Kudos to the first responders and public workers who work tirelessly to ensure the safety of the people. They are our unsung heroes and let's continue to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
To readers who are affected by this storm in one way or other, my heart goes out to you. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Please continue to keep safe and practice self-compassion during this challenging time.
May you be safe.
May you find comfort in the embrace and support of your loved ones.
May you find the strength and resilience within you during this difficult time.
May you experience peace in your heart.
I will leave you with the image and beautiful words from the artist, Deborah Koff-Chapin.