Yes, this space has been super quiet because someone has taken over our lives. And we are happy and grateful that she has.
World, meet our daughter, Olivia Grace.
Truly, the greatest lesson in pregnancy and parenting is how little control one has. My baby decided that she is ready for the world and came eight weeks early from her due date. As you can imagine, that totally threw us off course, left us scrambling and living in uncertainty and fear for several weeks.
She is six weeks old now and has been doing really well.
Indeed, each of us is born with greater resilience than we can ever imagine. At such a tender age, my baby demonstrated hers and we are so very thankful for her strong fighting spirit.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank my tribe for the prayers, support and love shown to us during this challenging time.
As I embrace my role as a new mother, this space will take a backseat. However, because I derive much pleasure and satisfaction from writing, I will make effort to share my thoughts from time to time.
Right now, I am working on her birth story. Please stay tuned.
Thank you for your support.